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How You Can Undergo a Painless Tooth Extraction near You

How You Can Undergo a Painless Tooth Extraction near You

Apr 01, 2021

Dental extraction becomes the last resort in preserving your oral health. Your dentist may perform various procedures to save your natural tooth, but multiple issues may compel you to undergo tooth extraction. Sedation dentistry is ideal for alleviating pain during your appointment.  Our emergency dentist in Leesburg, 20176 may recommend you to undergo tooth extraction if your tooth is severely decayed or damaged. Oral malocclusions and infection may trigger tooth removal. Numerous approaches are used to alleviate pain during your procedure, and tooth extraction recovery is initiated through various measures.

What’s Dental Extraction?

A dental extraction involves removing your severely damaged, infected, or impacted tooth from its socket. The emergency dentist in Leesburg, 20176 may recommend you to undergo the following extraction procedures:

  • A simple extraction involves the removal of your visible tooth above the gum line.
  • A surgical extraction involves the removal of your invisible tooth below the gum line. The procedure is applicable in removing an impacted wisdom tooth or a tooth that’s broken off at your gum line.

Digital X-rays are vital in analyzing the following:

  • Any oral infection that spreads to your jaw bone
  • Effects of your affected tooth to the adjacent teeth
  • Location of your tooth to determine the ideal extraction technique

If you have an impacted wisdom tooth, specialized X-rays will provide detailed information to plan for a perfect extraction strategy. Tooth extraction recovery depends on the measures you take to preserve the extraction site and ensure the healing process is initiated.

When is it the Ideal Time to Undergo Tooth Extraction?

Your tooth may undergo a dental extraction to prevent further decay, periodontal disease, or toothache. An impacted wisdom tooth is painful and would require extraction to avoid complications. Chemotherapy may compromise your teeth, and the need to undergo dental prosthetics may compel you to undertake tooth removal. Various situations may cause you to undergo dental extraction. Your dentist may recommend you to undertake tooth removal due to:

  • Mouth trauma leading to damage of your tooth beyond repair
  • An impacted tooth that fails to erupt from your gum line
  • Severe oral infection that spreads to your pulp cavity and can’t be treated using root canal therapy
  • Overcrowded teeth that can’t be fixed using orthodontics

It’s crucial to follow tooth extraction aftercare tips provided by our dentist to ensure you recover quickly.

How is Dental Extraction Painless?

Before undergoing a tooth extraction procedure, your specialists take X-rays on your affected tooth to determine the underlying issue. The dental structure and your tooth roots are assessed to determine the ideal extraction procedure for you. Upon identifying a suitable option, preferred sedation is administered to alleviate discomfort and lower your anxiety. Here are numerous options used in sedation dentistry at the dental extractions near you, including inhalation sedation and local anesthesia. Once the affected tooth is numb, the extraction procedure is performed without pain. Dental extraction requires a single appointment, and the effects of sedation may affect your normal functioning. It’s crucial to undergo the right sedation dentistry, and you need to consult your dentist before the procedure.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

After undergoing an extraction procedure, your oral surgeon or dentist may recommend you to follow the tips below for quick recovery and alleviation of pain:

  • Place a gauze or cotton wool on the extraction site to allow blood clotting and control bleeding.
  • Maintain an upright posture and your head elevated
  • Avoid smoking or engaging in rigorous activities for the next 24 hours to facilitate quick healing
  • Take recommended pain relievers to alleviate discomfort or pain
  • Use a cold pack on your cheek to minimize inflammation or use anti-inflammatory medications as instructed by your dentist
  • Avoid rinsing your mouth after dental extraction to prevent bleeding
  • Follow your oral hygiene regimen after 24hours but avoid scrubbing the tooth extraction site
  • Make a timely visit to the dental clinic near you if you experience severe pain or discomfort after a dental extraction procedure.

At the Dental Co. of Leesburg, we utilize specialized and painless dental extraction equipment and procedures. We examine your affected teeth and determine the ideal extraction procedure for you. Both surgical and simple extraction processes are applicable during your appointment based on your affected tooth’s location. A surgical extraction is invasive, and we use sedation dentistry or administer local anesthetic to alleviate your pain. Please make an appointment with our oral specialists today, and undergo a painless dental extraction procedure today!

We are family-focused dentistry and our dentists are offering dental services around these areas of Leesburg, VA:

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