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Dental Implants Services in Leesburg, VA

Dental Implants Services in Leesburg, VA

At The Dental Co. of Leesburg, we encounter many patients who have lost one or more permanent teeth. This can occur for a variety of reasons, but the most common is tooth decay and physical injury. When a tooth is lost, it leaves a noticeable gap in the smile and can affect a person’s health and wellness. To avoid potential issues, consider receiving a dental implant today.

What Is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a synthetic root that is installed directly into the jawbone. This root is made of a durable metal like titanium and is essential because it can hold a crown in place. A crown is a synthetic dental structure that resembles the upper portion of a tooth. When it is connected to the root, it forms a complete tooth that becomes a permanent fixture in your mouth.

The Benefits

Dental implants essentially form a complete synthetic tooth that can be used as a regular one. The material is highly durable and is not prone to tooth decay or similar issues, meaning it remains healthy and strong. An implant also can improve overall oral health and wellness by keeping the jawbone strong by applying consistent pressure that helps avoid thinning.

Besides physical benefits, a dental implant also has an emotional effect. Many individuals suffered poor confidence and self-esteem when they lost one or more of their permanent teeth because there is a strong social stigma about having gaps in the teeth. The current social perception is that someone who is missing teeth is unhealthy or unclean.

While we at The Dental Co. of Leesburg know this isn’t true, we also know that having an implant can improve a patient’s self-confidence and make it easier to participate in regular behaviors like eating and smiling in public.

How to Receive Treatment

If you are interested in a dental implant, contact us today at The Dental Co. of Leesburg. We use the most modern techniques and treatments to ensure you have a comfortable visit and receive an implant that is suited for your mouth. Implants can be as ready in as little as two weeks, so start your journey to improved oral health and wellness today!

We are family-focused dentistry and our dentists are offering dental services around these areas of Leesburg, VA:

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